A bit about us

Buddies Dog Training Club Bolton est. 2001 has been providing pet dog training classes in the Smithills area for over 20 years.

Karen began attending local training classes with her German Shepherd in her teens which has led to her running dog training classes in Bolton for 35+ years. After growing up in a very doggy household and developing a keen interest in dog training Karen began a long career with Guide Dogs UK in 1986, starting in the kennels then qualifying as a Guide Dog Trainer in 1988 and becoming a Senior Guide Dog Trainer in 2000. Sadly this career had to come to an end after nearly 30 years due to personal circumstances.

Fortunately Karen was able to continue to run and teach at Buddies Dog Club which she had started up with dog trainer friends in 2001.

Along with her dog training and professional qualifications achieved at Guide Dogs Karen is a member of the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers, has qualified with The Kennel Club as an examiner for the Good Citizen Dog Scheme up to gold level and also gained a Professional Diploma in Education at Bolton University.

Karen currently has 2 dogs, a rescue dog called Brian, a Patterdale Terrier who lives up to the breeds reputation of having high working terrier traits (translates as he’s a little ????)

She also lives with Bosley her young German Shepherd, continuing a lifetime of having the breed. At 3yrs he is still a typical young hooligan, it’s a good job he’s also a very loveable goofball!

Katie has always had a love of dogs and grew up helping look after her grandparents dogs at any opportunity.

Katie started dog training with her 2 Cairn Terriers Bronnie and Barley 14 years ago. Katie trained both terriers to the Kennel Club Good Citizen Award Gold level at Buddies and also competed in agility with them.

Owning a dog that was fearful and reactive to other dogs led Katie into wanting to learn and understand more about dog behaviour and training so she began studying. As her terrier girls began to age into retirement Katie’s dog training journey continued leading her to take on a more active role at Buddies in 2017 as an assistant dog training instructor and the rest is history. Now she has her own classes to teach at Buddies.

In 2020 Katie gained a Higher Diploma in Canine Behaviour & Psychology with a grade of distinction.

Her 2 old ladies have now passed but Katie fulfilled her dream of getting a German Shepherd. Kobie is now 2 years old, he too is a loveable goofball but that’s to be expected him being Bosley's half brother!